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Introducing Kentree Speirs

Kentree Speirs Memory of water 28x32 700

We welcome Kentree Speirs to our gallery!

Kentree Speirs’s art is what you might expect from someone that holds both a forestry and fine arts degree – paintings that explode with texture and color suggesting, with surreal vivacity, landforms drifting in and out of focus as the mind deciphers its details. He has achieved a unique aesthetic by means of method based automation where he lets the various compositional elements guide progress – resulting in a partially abstract, partially representative language that remains coherent while exploring a wide range of textures and color relationships.

Speirs comes by his subject through deep love and respect for the natural world; crafting work around the analysis of his physical and intuitive relationship with the landscape. In creating these works, Speirs hopes to communicate his inspiration to the viewer, such that they might be provoked to contemplate their own personal exchange with their natural environment.